
I was having a problem with a server that I wanted to reset the HP iLO password but it was forbidden for me to restart the ESXi server in order to proceed.

In my previous experience as an HP employee, I noticed that inside the HP customized images for ESX there are some binary applications that can help you do some very low level operations without restarting the server, like hpbootcfg_esxcli, hptestevent and the tool that we will use hponcfg. These applications are in the /opt/hp/tools directory.

First of all check if the file exist: [aksouzafeiris@esxi18-hostname ~]# ls -lsa /opt/hp/tools/hpon\* total 1 1 -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 232716 Jan 10 2015 hponcfg

Now, that we have see that the file exists we need to create an XML file where we will give the new password in order to reset the existing one.

[aksouzafeiris@esxi18-hostname ~]# vi passwdreset.xml

and copy paste this inside the xml file:

<LOGIN USER\_LOGIN="Administrator" PASSWORD="unknown">
<USER\_INFO MODE="write">
<MOD\_USER USER\_LOGIN="Administrator">
<PASSWORD value="P@ssw0rd"/>

Save and Exit (:wq+ENTER) Now you can run the reset iLO Online config utility with the xml file:

[aksouzafeiris@esxi18-hostname ~]# /opt/hp/tools/hponcfg -f passwdreset.xml

Now, you can login with “Administrator” and “P@ssw0rd”